Excerpts from an interview with Rodolfo Jacobson – Pinares Hills.

Entrevista González & Jacobson Pinares Hills
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The Gonzalez & Jacobson Architecture Studio was founded 30 years ago based in Marbella. To this day, it continues to execute diverse architectural projects with the same passion as in its beginnings.

Entrevista González & Jacobson Pinares Hills

Today we share excerpts from the interview with Rodolfo Jacobson A., architect and founding partner of Gonzalez & Jacobson Architecture, regarding Pinares Hills and his collaboration with the project of 13 luxury villas located in Pinares de San Anton, Malaga.

Rodolfo Jacobson Amieva begins his intervention and we leave you with some excerpts from it.

… “Today we have the opportunity to collaborate with my friend Pedro Rodríguez Losada, the architect behind the design of the Pinares Hills villas, in a high-expectation project. A different, elegant and sustainable product, with unbeatable views” …

Entrevista González & Jacobson Pinares Hills

… “I am frequently asked if the original idea with which the project is born is maintained throughout its execution. I can tell you that it is very complicated to maintain the initial idea due to different factors that can intervene, including: town halls, norms and regulations. Even neighbours can sometimes intervene in the development of the project. But the fundamental idea, the heart of the project has been constantly maintained, which consisted of integration with the environment and the enjoyment of nature even whilst inside the home. I can proudly say that the objective has been achieved” …

… “The great challenge of this development was the orography of the terrain. It forced us to build different villas, although it is true that when seen together they have a design line that makes them feel like a group. Each of the houses is completely different, only houses one to four are the most similar. From house 5 to 13 each one is totally different, the accesses are different, the views. It is an amalgamation of different concepts that had to be adjusted in a millimetric way so that all the villas, although different, would provide the same satisfaction to potential buyers, and above all, each one had the essential points that Cogitari Homes puts into their homes. It has been a very complicated project, very meticulous, a work of watchmaking” …

Entrevista González & Jacobson Pinares Hills

…” In the studio we have seen many trends and fashions pass within architecture. Sometimes we have imitated trends from other countries. Other times we have wanted to look back and look within our traditional Andalusian architecture. But what I have been able to notice in recent years is that there is a unique market trend and that all our clients, all the people who approach us asking for new designs, always insist on the same thing and the first is a closer encounter with nature” …

Entrevista González & Jacobson Pinares Hills

…” Undoubtedly, the pandemic taught us that it was much better to live closer to nature, in a countryside that is closer to cities and it also taught us that sustainability is very important. I believe this current trend will not change again, I believe that this is really the new luxury. People really demand it, which is achieved in Pinares Hills. That closeness to nature, that sustainability and also why not, that union with new technologies.

These are just some excerpts from such an interesting interview. In addition to this, in the interview/video for the promotion, the vision of Roger Widen, Sales Manager of Homerun Brokers, is shared regarding the market of potential international buyers who are looking for high-end properties in the city of Malaga.

For more details and to follow the interview/video, we share the following links:


https://youtu.be/oqJzsKYHVpo *


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