Villa de lujo en Marbella Los Monteros 06

Cookie Policy

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform the user of the use of cookies on the website of GONZALEZ & JACOBSON ARQUITECTURA, S.L.,

To comply with the law with a website it is essential to inform the user about the use of Cookies, by means of an acceptance pop-up that opens when accessing the website and by publishing the informative texts about the use of Cookies.

Access to the website may involve the use of cookies, which are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server can remember certain information that can be used later. Cookies allow, among other things, the collection of statistical information, facilitate certain technical functionalities, store and retrieve information about browsing habits or preferences of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognise the user, remember aspects such as their language, country, browser, etc. They also allow the user to be identified as a specific user and to save personal preferences and technical information such as, for example, the specific pages visited.

The cookies used could be of two types:

Session cookies, which are not stored on the user’s equipment, but are needed during each session of use in each web service, as they are essential for the correct functioning of the service.

Cookies stored temporarily on the user’s equipment, which are used to carry out anonymous and aggregate statistical studies of the use that users make of the service, in order to be able to make future improvements and optimisations.

Users who do not wish to receive cookies can configure their browser with this option. It should be remembered that, on occasions, non-acceptance of the cookie may make it impossible to access all or part of the availability of the service. The user should consult the instructions and manuals of their browser for further information.

Users should bear in mind that the Internet is not a completely secure place and that, therefore, they must adopt the necessary measures to prevent their personal data from becoming known to unauthorised third parties who could make improper use of them.

When you access this website for the first time, you will see a window informing you of the use of cookies and where you can consult this ‘Cookie Policy’. You can change your cookie settings at any time by configuring your browser to accept, or not, the cookies you receive or to notify you when a server wants to save a cookie. We inform you that, in the event of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services may not be available without the use of cookies or that you may not be able to access certain services or take full advantage of everything our website has to offer.

GONZALEZ & JACOBSON ARQUITECTURA, S.L. thanks you for consenting to the acceptance of cookies, this helps us to obtain more precise data that allows us to improve the content and design of our web pages to adapt them to your preferences.